Tag Archives: treatment for cervical dystonia


fcst blog 2FCST clinic offers various therapies that are effective in relieving Dystonia symptoms. Many Dystonia patients may already be familiar with most of them, such as CranioSacral Therapy, Acupuncture and Positive Thinking. However, the therapy that allows full recovery from Dystonia (includes cervical, focal and other types of Dystonias) that is also unique to the clinic is Functional CerebroSpinal Therapy or FCST for short which was developed by Dr Lee. According to Dr Lee, the reason for this is because the therapy resolves the fundamental cause of Dystonia and other neurological disorders.

So What is FCST?

The therapy essentially resolves the following two structural problems:

  1. Imbalance of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) using intraoral balancing appliances. Dr Lee uses 3 different types of balancing appliances (CBA, TBA and OBA). These are different to splints or other intraoral appliances provided from ordinary dentists:

CBA – (Cervical Balancing appliance)

A disposable custom made intraoral balancing appliance (to be worn only once upto 1 hour) which allows balance of TMJ at the optimal freeway space (also referred to as zero point) to the individual according to the cranial and spine structure until deflection* (see ‘Deflections‘). This appliance is worn during Chuna (similar to chiropractic) therapy for alignment of C1 and C2.

TBA and OBA – (TMJ Balancing Appliance) and (Occlusion Balancing Appliance)

Made of elastic material to accommodate for different occlusion and TMJ structure in individuals and is effective in balancing the TMJ throughout day and night.  Occlusion balancing appliance (OBA) is for patients who also have problems with occlusion (typically for Class 2 and Class 3 malocclusion). Patients are asked to wear this device for as long as possible for faster treatment. Patients may feel pain as occlusion changes but once the optimal occlusion is achieved teeth will no longer move and cause pain.



TBA BLOG  OBA BLOG TBA                                                                          OBA

2.  Distorted upper cervical vertebrae C1 and C2, also known as        Atlas and Axis, by using Chuna (similar to chiropractic) manipulation to realign them whilst wearing CBA.


Other therapies at the clinic

Other sub therapies, together with FCST, offered at the clinic help to fasten the recovery process. Ultimately, the whole treatment aims to:

  1. Rebalance the body structure from TMJ to the pelvis
  2. Stabilize the nervous system
  3. Regain mental stability



October 2013 aged 24, I was diagnosed with Generalised Dystonia. The symptoms started in June 2013, from the legs which gradually spread upwards to the rest of the body. At first, no one could see that there was anything wrong with me but I had a strange feeling of muscles moving uncontrollably. I thought it was a temporary condition that would soon disappear. However, it gradually spread to the rest of the body and once it reached the jaw muscles I became very anxious. I started to worry that the condition may be permanent and cause serious damage to the body.

From then on (September 2013), the symptoms became visible – quite often I had uncontrollable shaking and twisting, hypertension, panic attacks and vertigo. Not only that, I had episodes of pain randomly attacking different parts of the body and it even got to the point where I thought the condition might be life threatening. I even left last words for my mum as I thought this might be the end. The feeling of despair and hopelessness is almost indescribable. I was lost in complete darkness. At times, it felt like I was on the edge of a precipice with no one to help me and nowhere else to turn.

Finally, with the help from my mum, I made a resolute decision to receive treatment in South Korea although I was unsure whether it would be successful.

Miraculously, on 21st Jan. 2014 I returned to the UK after being fully cured of Dystonia and TMD. It may sound overdramatic but I felt responsible as one of the fortunate ones, to share my experience and make people aware that Dystonia is curable. Thus, I decided to make this blog in the hope that it would be helpful to those (and their families) who are facing struggles every day.