Tag Archives: FCST


Cerebrospinal Functional Medicine

Cerebrospinal Functional Medicine (CFM) is a new medical specialty developed by Dr Young Jun Lee. Dr Lee is a Korean Medicine Doctor who was also the first doctor to receive a  Ph.D. in Integrative Medicine. Through persistent studies and research over many years he has found that balancing the TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) can recover structural distortions which leads to stablization of nerves. As a result, his findings have led to the formation of a new discipline of medicine which he termed ‘Cerebrospinal Functional Medicine (CFM)’ and he has published a number of materials within the field.

In CFM, it is viewed that many chronic and ‘intractable’ diseases are caused by structural imbalance which leads to problems in the nervous system. Therefore the treatment applied involves correcting structural imbalance thereby recovering  the nervous system and functions of organs to normality. Also, the principle within the field recognises that TMJ is the core component in controlling the function and structure of the cerebrospinal column and whole body balance.

The core theory of CFM is ‘through balance of TMJ the whole body balance is regulated’ – meaning that TMJ balance must be achieved in order to realign the upper cervical vertebrae which allows balance of the rest of body structure and stabilization of the nervous system. Based on this theory, many years of research and clinical experience has allowed Dr Lee to develop assertive and reliable methods of diagnosis, tests and treatments as a ‘holistic approach by manipulating the TMJ’. The treatment method, referred to as Functional Cerebrospinal Therapy (FCST) consists of using intraoral appliances to balance the TMJ, realignment of upper cervical vertebrae and the rest of body structure by manipulation.

For years he was ridiculed by other doctors as he emphasised importance of TMJ. However, he has also successfully collaborated with many medical doctors, including neurosurgeons, dentists and alternative medicine professions who have accepted his theory and actively supported him in advancing this new approach to cure diseases. The work is still ongoing and a growing number of people are now recognising the significance of his findings. His seminars and professional courses provided to doctors are also increasing in popularity.

What is FCST(Functional Cerebrospinal  Therapy)?

Functional Cerebrospinal Therapy (FCST) is a non-surgical treatment method currently widely applied in South Korea which normalises the nervous, hormonal and other body systems through resolving structural problems, based on CFM principles. It was developed by Dr. Lee who himself was a patient 30 years ago, suffering from paralysis in the left arm. According to Dr Lee, the cranium, spine and pelvis are core parts of our skeletal structures and distortion in any of them can affect related muscles, nervous and hormonal systems which can result in provoking a range of symptoms. FCST is a new form of treatment of 21st century which allows the core structures of our body (including cranium, spine and pelvis which can be classified as 3 points of distortion as well as TMJ) to regain balance thereby recovering normal function of nervous and other systems making it possible to cure chronic and ‘intractable’ diseases.

Conceptual Framework

In order to comprehend the full mechanism, it is important to understand the following concepts which are laid out in the ‘Framework’ drop down menu:

  • Importance of balanced body structure
  • Importance of TMJ
  • Cause of Dystonia

number of treatment casesLink to clinical cases

research of FCST

number of fcst course attendees

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fcst blog 2FCST clinic offers various therapies that are effective in relieving Dystonia symptoms. Many Dystonia patients may already be familiar with most of them, such as CranioSacral Therapy, Acupuncture and Positive Thinking. However, the therapy that allows full recovery from Dystonia (includes cervical, focal and other types of Dystonias) that is also unique to the clinic is Functional CerebroSpinal Therapy or FCST for short which was developed by Dr Lee. According to Dr Lee, the reason for this is because the therapy resolves the fundamental cause of Dystonia and other neurological disorders.

So What is FCST?

The therapy essentially resolves the following two structural problems:

  1. Imbalance of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) using intraoral balancing appliances. Dr Lee uses 3 different types of balancing appliances (CBA, TBA and OBA). These are different to splints or other intraoral appliances provided from ordinary dentists:

CBA – (Cervical Balancing appliance)

A disposable custom made intraoral balancing appliance (to be worn only once upto 1 hour) which allows balance of TMJ at the optimal freeway space (also referred to as zero point) to the individual according to the cranial and spine structure until deflection* (see ‘Deflections‘). This appliance is worn during Chuna (similar to chiropractic) therapy for alignment of C1 and C2.

TBA and OBA – (TMJ Balancing Appliance) and (Occlusion Balancing Appliance)

Made of elastic material to accommodate for different occlusion and TMJ structure in individuals and is effective in balancing the TMJ throughout day and night.  Occlusion balancing appliance (OBA) is for patients who also have problems with occlusion (typically for Class 2 and Class 3 malocclusion). Patients are asked to wear this device for as long as possible for faster treatment. Patients may feel pain as occlusion changes but once the optimal occlusion is achieved teeth will no longer move and cause pain.



TBA BLOG  OBA BLOG TBA                                                                          OBA

2.  Distorted upper cervical vertebrae C1 and C2, also known as        Atlas and Axis, by using Chuna (similar to chiropractic) manipulation to realign them whilst wearing CBA.


Other therapies at the clinic

Other sub therapies, together with FCST, offered at the clinic help to fasten the recovery process. Ultimately, the whole treatment aims to:

  1. Rebalance the body structure from TMJ to the pelvis
  2. Stabilize the nervous system
  3. Regain mental stability




Welcome to the Cure for Dystonia blog. I am 24 years old, living in the UK with a full time job and was sadly diagnosed with Generalised Dystonia October 2013. However, I was fortunate enough to find a cure and by January 2014 I was able to return home to the UK having fully recovered. Through this blog I aim to provide and share  as much information as possible with other Dystonia patients. Here is a guide to get the most out of this blog:

Blog Navigation:

  • My story – two subsections:  my story and diary during treatment. ‘My Story’ describes the development of TMD and Dystonia and the struggles I had experienced up until the treatments. ‘Diary during treatment’ then follows but I suggest that you first have a read of the Framework and Treatment sections to aid your understanding. It is still a work in progress but I will be uploading regularly so readers can find out about my ups and downs up until the end of my treatment process. I appreciate that sequencing may be a problem for some readers (i.e. the first post seen is the latest post) but I recommend reading from the earliest date which can be done by scrolling down to the end of the page and navigating to the oldest post.
  • Framework – explains concepts and theories behind FCST (Functional Cerebrospinal Therapy). It is recommended to read the subsections in chronological order.
  • Treatment – explains all the available treatments at Dr Lee’s private medical practice (also known as FCST clinic)
  • Pigeon Hole – miscellaneous information, tips and resources
  • Clinical Cases – videos of successful treatments at FCST clinic

Brief history about myself:

  • April 2012 – Discovery of TMD (self-diagnosis)
  • March 2013 – Medical Diagnosis of TMD
  • April 2013 – September 2013 – Dental Treatment for TMD
  • June 2013 – Symptoms of Generalised Dystonia start
  • October 2013 – Diagnosed with Generalised Dystonia and dental treatment discontinued
  • October 2013 – FCST (Functional Cerebrospinal Therapy) started
  • January 2014 – Full recovery from Generalised Dystonia and relief of TMD symptoms

Purpose of this blog:

It is common for patients suffering from chronic disorders to try many different types of allopathic and other alternative treatments. However, they are often let down after finding out that they do not have great or long lasting effects. I too have been through this – for years I had symptoms of TMD, which I didn’t identify until 2012, and I had tried most treatments available from medication, physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic to sports therapy. Although some of these attempts were helpful, the symptoms would always return and I would soon be looking for the next best option to prevent the deterioration of my condition.

Consequently, I became aware and saddened by the fact that my life was all about consuming time and energy on finding effective (and sometimes expensive) treatments while my friends seemed to enjoy their youthful and passionate lives. Then, when Dystonia started, everything took a turn for the worst and my chance of living a normal life became slim. However, after 4 months of intense treatment, I finally have something to look forward to; a life without pain and limitations.

I would introduce FCST, as ‘clinically proven with sufficient scientific backing but one which lacks acknowledgement by the majority due to domination of existing ‘mainstream’ medicine’. At first, it was my mother who trusted in this treatment and convinced me to consider it as a final resort. I was sceptical but as the therapy progressed I came to realise that this was potentially the final treatment that would rule out the need for any further treatment.

Dr Lee, who treated me, developed this method of treatment. He was actually a patient himself over 30 years ago suffering from paralysis of his left arm. From seeking ways to treat the malfunctioning limb he found that the root cause of the problem with the nerves was structural distortion. But then he had to face another obstacle – an effective way to resolve the structural imbalance permanently. However, he did not give up and after years of extensive research and clinical trial and error; he was finally successful in developing a cure and he named it FCST (which in essence, focuses on TMJ balance). Over the past decade, Dr Lee has been able to actively gather hundreds of clinical evidence which has made it possible to be widespread in South Korea. Today, a substantial number of patients suffering from different symptoms are being treated his clinic every day.

Some readers may misapprehend my intention for this blog perhaps with the idea of promoting the clinic. However, I hope the readers understand that as a former Dystonia patient who has been through the difficulties, experienced the whole treatment process and now regained normality in life, it would be wrong for me to not attempt informing others in need. In fact, I realised it would be difficult to carry on with life without feeling guilty if I decided to sit back because I know only too well the frustration that other sufferers must be experiencing and the feeling of being alone with no one fully understanding what they are going through. For that reason, I am merely endeavouring to introduce this treatment as one of the options that may want to be tried by those who are desperate to live a ‘normal’ life.

Cause of Dystonia (and other chronic disorders)

This post explains the cause of Dystonia which basically simplifies what has already been explained within Framework. However, it is important to note that the cause explained below by Dr Lee also applies to other chronic disorders including:

  • Parkinson’s
  • Tourette’s or Tic Disorder
  • Epilepsy
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
  • Asthma
  • Eczema
  • ADHD, OCD, Depression and Anxiety
  • Autism
  • Schizophrenia
  • Tinnitus
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Irritable Bowels Syndrome and other indigestion related illnesses
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Chronic Headache
  • Herniated Discs and other disc related problems
  • Paralysis and Numbness
  • Stroke
  • Hypertension

Over the past decade, he has treated many types of chronic disorders and his results are as following:

number of treatment cases

Cause of dystonia  Dr lee's theory titleMy view on the cause of Dystonia is due to subluxation of upper cervical vertebrae caused by distortion of Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) which leads to the related nerve cells in the brain stem sending abnormal signals to the muscles resulting in muscle spasm, tension and contractions. (See TMJ connection to Dystonia for more information)

This is because around TMJ there are 9 cranial nerves and they are directly and indirectly related to 136 muscles connected to cervical vertebrae and the rest of the spine. Especially the 5th cranial nerves which are mostly dispersed around TMJ control the Atlas and Axis (C1 and C2).

Therefore, when abnormal signals are sent through the nerves around TMJ, the related muscles, ligaments and fascias over tense and contract which essentially causes subluxation of upper cervical vertebrae.

Subluxation of the Axis causes various problems in the brain and other parts in our body. In particular, it triggers distortion and tension in the spinal cord and also restricts the foramen magnum passage. It also leads to abnormal signals being sent through to the brain stem connected to the spinal cord. I believe that the abnormal signals sent to nerve cells create damage and lead to chronic disorders (of course this is my view). Therefore, in my opinion, Dystonia is one of the disorders caused by damaged nerve cells.

For these reasons, I think the fundamental treatment is one that intercepts the abnormal signals sent through the nerves dispersed around TMJ. In order to do this, it is necessary to balance the TMJ. This allows alignment of Atlas and Axis leading to recovery of the channel from the brain to the body and restores the damaged nerve cells in the brain stem.

Therefore, to treat Dystonia, alignment of axis is vital and in order to achieve that the abnormal signals sent through the TMJ need to be eliminated. There are two major impacts of abnormal signals: 1. It travels through the sphenoid bone which is connected to the lower mandible and directly effects the sensors in the brain stem 2. Due to subluxation of the axis (C2) there are indirect effects on the brain stem.

It might also be useful to read My view on FCST.

treatment of dystonia Dr lee's theory coverI believe there are 4 elements in a healthy body: 1. Structure (a good posture of spine and a proper nervous system structure) 2. Mindset (Positive mind) 3. Exercise (regular exercise, good daily routine and a good posture) 4. Diet (small portions, vegetarian diet and brown rice diet)

Of the 4 elements, one that a doctor can help treat is the structure of spine and nervous system. The rest are self treatments which patients can achieve without a doctor’s help. Maintaining a positive mind can help relieve stress and anxiety and allows dispersion of healing hormones (also known as endorphins). A regular exercise and daily routine involved around nature can help train the mind. Vegetarian and brown rice diet and avoiding precooked food can also help strengthen the mindset. These efforts are very effective in maintaining a healthy body.

4 important

In order to regain a healthy structure, the abnormal signals sent through the nerves around TMJ need to be eliminated. To achieve this, a balancing appliance is required. There are different balancing appliances that are used: 1. CBA (Cervical balancing appliance) – a custom made TMJ intraoral balancing appliance which align the TMJ, cervical vertebrae and nervous system 2. TBA (TMJ Balancing appliance) and OBA (Occlusion Balancing appliance) which maintain the balance of TMJ .

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The most effective treatment is if both medical treatment and self treatments are combined. However, one may still experience effective results by putting effort in the self treatments.

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Within our body the following structures can become collapsed:

1. Cranium (made up of 22 bones)

2. Spine (33 vertebrae)

3. Pelvic bones (sacrum, ischium, pubic bone and ilium)

Three point of Balance

Of the above structures the following treatments are effective in regaining balance:

1. FCST (Functional cerebro spinal therapy) – developed by Dr Lee this therapy allows alignment of the spine through balancing the TMJ using intraoral balancing appliances (CBA, TBA and OBA explained above)
2. LCST (Dr. Lee`s Cranio Sacral Therapy) – using a CST pillow developed by Dr Lee this therapy allows relief of sutural jamming caused by abnormal tension and contraction of the cranium
3. LPBT (Dr. Lee`s Pelvic balancing therapy) helps to reposition a distorted pelvis allowing smooth flow of the cerebrospinal fluid. Within this therapy, a Spine Balancer is also used which helps with normalization of the muscles around the vertebrae

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The following self therapies are also effective in relieving some of the symptoms:

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When a person thinks positively the pituitary gland disperses endorphins which are effective in releasing energy that eases healing of the body and pain relief. However, when a person has negative thoughts dispersion of noradrenalin (which is described as a stress hormone) occurs. An effective way to maintain a positive mind is to be grateful, think of loved ones and be repentant.

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Maintaining a good posture helps to align the spine and normalize the foramen magnum passage allowing stabilization of the nervous system. A collapsed spinal structure can cause distortion of the foramen magnum passage.

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The 4 stretching exercises are effective in realignment of the spine. The effects are greater if the intraoral balancing appliance (TBA or OBA) is worn while carrying out these exercises. They are demonstrated in the video linked below.

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A regular and good diet helps to maintain a healthy body. It is important to eat small proportions in the evening and diet focused on vegetables and brown rice helps to get rid of body wastes out of the system. It also prevents obesity and chronic diseases caused by unhealthy food.

collapsed structure with head