
I officially have insomnia – I could not get any sleep whatsoever and I am physically and mentally drained. So I made a big plan, to tire myself out completely and not have a nap during the day which should knock me out by the night. After having breakfast, I decided to go out for a walk before going to the clinic. When I walked out of the flat my eyes were almost closed and my body felt so heavy. But fortunately the air outside was fresh and cold which helped me to exercise with a bit more energy.

After an hour, I went to the clinic for 11 o’clock treatment. I felt very refreshed entering the treatment room, a feeling that I have never had on other days. I was excited that treatment today was going to go very well. BUT what happens? I get 5 deflections within a space of an hour… Yes, 5 CBA fittings… and I just can’t seem to control my muscles around the jaw so it is impossible to have a CBA made without looking at the mirror. Although I was quite disappointed, I tried to keep myself occupied with positive thoughts and control my moods. I still went ahead with the plan and I went out for another walk after lunch. Now, I am exhausted and I think it is time to go to bed. Fingers crossed I will get some sleep.

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